<p>     Texas
A&amp;M Forest Service awards $15.7 million in grants to volunteer fire
  COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Texas
A&amp;M Forest Service awarded 260 rural volunteer fire departments with more
than $15.7 million in assistance grants last week through the Rural Volunteer
Fire Department Assistan</p>10/29/2023 04:30:00 PM
    Texas A&M Forest Service awards $15.7 million in grants to volunteer fire departments

    Texas A&amp;M Forest Service awards $15.7 million in grants to volunteer fire departments COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Texas A&amp;M Forest Service awarded 260 rural volunteer fire departments with more than $15.7 million in assistance grants last week through the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistan

    <p>     Don’t
move firewood, prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases   
Texas A&amp;M Forest Service   urges all
Texans, and especially outdoor enthusiasts, to help reduce the spread of oak
wilt and invasive insects by taking preventive measures and being cautious when
collecting</p>10/16/2023 08:40:00 PM
    Don't move firewood, prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases

    Don’t move firewood, prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Texas A&amp;M Forest Service  urges all Texans, and especially outdoor enthusiasts, to help reduce the spread of oak wilt and invasive insects by taking preventive measures and being cautious when collecting

    The Texas A&M Forest Service Leadership Institute hosted the kick-off session for its fourth cohort Oct. 10 to 12 in The Woodlands, Texas.10/12/2023 02:15:00 PM
    Texas A&M Forest Service kicks off fourth annual Leadership Institute
    The Texas A&M Forest Service Leadership Institute hosted the kick-off session for its fourth cohort Oct. 10 to 12 in The Woodlands, Texas.
    <p><span>An annular solar eclipse will occur in the Texas skies Oct. 14. A“ring of fire” will be created by the sun’s shadow around the
moon while parts of Texas will be in the path of totality.</span></p>
<p><span></span></p>10/9/2023 09:10:00 PM
    Texas A&M Forest Service encourages responsible recreation during annular eclipse

    An annular solar eclipse will occur in the Texas skies Oct. 14. A“ring of fire” will be created by the sun’s shadow around the moon while parts of Texas will be in the path of totality.

    <p>   October 4, 2023 
Annual Wildfire Academy begins this week at Camp Swift    
BASTROP, Texas – The 25th annual Capital Area Interagency Wildfire and Incident
Management Academy (CAIWA) begins at the Camp Swift National Guard Facility in
Bastrop, Texas this week. The academy will take place Oct 6-18, 2022. </p>10/3/2023 07:55:00 PM
    25th Annual Wildfire Academy begins this week at Camp Swift

    October 4, 2023 25th Annual Wildfire Academy begins this week at Camp Swift BASTROP, Texas – The 25th annual Capital Area Interagency Wildfire and Incident Management Academy (CAIWA) begins at the Camp Swift National Guard Facility in Bastrop, Texas this week. The academy will take place Oct 6-18, 2022.

    Texas A&M Forest Service hosted the third annual Sisters in Fire event Sept. 30 at Worth Ranch, a Longhorn Council BSA property.10/1/2023 07:25:00 PM
    Fire event encourages young women to explore a career in wildland firefighting
    Texas A&M Forest Service hosted the third annual Sisters in Fire event Sept. 30 at Worth Ranch, a Longhorn Council BSA property.